Some things I saw on the Net...
Metasploit site gets hacked... Not really, just made to appear as if it was.
Erik Bloodaxe resurfaces... Is this the same Chris Goggans of LOD?
Cisco router rootkits... = bad news, since a lot of infra backbone depends on them
Most of the above items are a bit old, I was a little too busy to blog about them at the time.
And now for some local news... (Somehow this makes me laugh =) )
Isn't this guy just watching Youtube?
"Authorities have been monitoring certain e-groups or "societies" that could be behind big, transnational cyber crimes..."
"...There is also a group of crackers, college boys, who only focus on getting credit card information"
"the syndicate committed phreaking, which exploited security loopholes to obtain free access to telephone calls at the expense of customers of the Philippine Long Distant Telephone (PLDT). The process involves using a "war dialer" to call different phone numbers and then guessing the pincodes to those numbers in order to freely access the system to make long distance calls."
the use of wardialers is so early 90's =)"We used 200 men—SWAT, PNP, NBI—all fully armed because we didn’t know what we were up against."
Whaaatt?".. was the absence of the money trail that bewildered law enforcement at first..."
Always about the money =)
Alex Ramos, Anti-Hacker ManSome Personal news...I got an Asus EEE! Yesss!
Actually it's my gf's.
But I'm paying for it. Hmm... Wait a minute...